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The Balancing Act with Jihada Garrett

New Podcast Alert: Choosing Ease and Abundance While Running a Full-time Coaching Business

Jihada Garrett

I recently sat down with Dani Watson of The Clique Podcast and discussed my coaching journey, my philosophy and practice of abundance and ease as a lifestyle, and what's happening next for Hello, Me! 

When I started my full-time entrepreneurship journey in 2021, I was as sure as sure could be. I didn't have all of the answers (and definitely still don't), nor did I have an iron-clad plan with investors, projections, and all of the other stuff we tell ourselves we need, but I had two super critical components to success: a made up mind and super crazy faith. I knew that I was committed to a life on my own terms that included freedom, abundance and value and I wanted those things for other people too. 

I also knew I had a really big God on my side who is invested in my success, which meant that I'd already won. I believed that He'd supply my needs according to ALL his riches and glory and that if this lifestyle was available to anyone, it was certainly accessible to me. I'm an heir to the throne after all! I rejected the idea that this would be hard from the very beginning and eliminated all things hustle. That's just not my bag. I was going to do this thing with ease and authenticity. So here we are nearly two years later, still taking inspired action, attending divine appointments, and enjoying the journey along the way. Let’s be clear. This doesn't mean that I don't face challenges or that I don't have to put in work, but I am able to do these things in ways that align with my values and feel good to me and most of all, I don’t have to hustle! I love this for me and I want it for you too! 

Far too often we let our fears of what could be get in the way of …what could be! We give our focus to every possible reason not to move forward with the desire that God has placed in our hearts failing to recognize that if He’s given you the green light, the journey is fail-proof. I encourage you to examine the secret or quiet desires of your heart for something more, something greater in value, something more aligned, and embrace it wholeheartedly. This may or may not be related to your career or journey to entrepreneurship. It may be that you desire to relate to your partner or children with more compassion and understanding. Perhaps you want to feel differently when you cross the threshold of your home, bolder, more vibrant, kind. Maybe you just want a new home, in a new place and a whole new reality. Whatever speaks to you, know that the desire is good, it is worthy, and it can come to pass, if you let it.

In the podcast I mentioned, I talk a bit about ease and abundance as a lifestyle. As more women begin to pursue “soft living” which I am all about, I want to encourage you to do a few things:

  • Break up with the hustle mentality of life; nothing in nature hustles;

  • Be the very thing that you desire to have or create; it's much easier to attract what you want when you share the same frequency as what you're looking for; 

  • Create a lifestyle that aligns with your values while simultaneously adding value to others.; and

  • Include God every step of the way!

My quest as a coach is simply to ensure that you love who you are, what you do and how you do it. If you’d like to be supported as you embrace abundance and ease as a lifestyle of your own, click here.

Also, I’ve got some pretty cool opportunities to work with me in the pipeline. Be sure to join the mailing list so you are among the first to know!


“I just believe that there is plenty of money circulating in the earth and if anybody has I can also have it. It’s not my responsibility to look for it. It’s the money’s job to find me…and it does.”

Listen to the full podcast here.

Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself

Jihada Garrett

Allow me to reintroduce myself, My name is J!

So I’ve been away for a minute after adding our fourth and final addition to the G-Squad and he is everything! I’m noticing a few new faces and thought it would make sense to share with everyone what I do and what you can expect to find here.

If you don’t know, I’m a coach. A life and leadership coach, affectionately known as the Break-Up Coach. That’s right. I support people in breaking up with any and everything that doesn’t serve them. There are no limits here. We are talking careers, relationships, mindsets, habits, personal style, and any and everything in between. If it doesn’t spark joy, add value, and give life, it’s out of here. We are only entertaining freedom, authenticity and abundance over here!

As a mom, wife, and business owner #hellomecoaching, I’m constantly juggling dueling identities while striving for balance. Every now and then, we encounter seasons that offer us opportunities to reevaluate where we are and where we want to go. We get to examine what’s true, determine what’s no longer serving us, and decide how we will level up. It’s no easy feat. I work with incredibly talented and successful people everyday who find themselves stuck, wanting more, and in need of support to figure out their next steps. It happens to the best of us.

As I enter this new season as a mom of four, building the business of my dreams, while loving an incredible Black man properly, and being very intentional about not allowing the parts of me that are reserved for just me to get left behind, I invite you to follow along. I’ll share behind the scenes looks at how I manage my blessings, tips and perspectives that I share with my clients, and anything that I think sparks joy.

Join me on the journey as I say Hello, Me!...again, because when seasons change what we need does too and if you are feeling a break up of any kind on the horizon and could use some support in taking your next steps schedule a discovery call and let's chat!


“When seasons change what we need does too.”

Small Promptings

Jihada Garrett

“Small promptings are often the invitation to miraculous beginnings.”

When I think back over the trajectory of my life and career, I can see the common thread that weaves my story together. It stitches together a collection of my responses to small promptings that have urged me to take steps that didn’t always seem sensible. These promptings have often nudged me to do something completely disruptive that would seemingly compromise my financial stability, require me to pursue something that in my eyes, I was unqualified for, and/or take action with very little information about the path forward. While incredibly uncomfortable, my decisions to act on these promptings have without fail, yielded the most impactful and rewarding experiences of my life.

So, what’s a small prompting you ask? It’s that small quiet voice inside that tells you to do or consider a thing outside of your comfort zone, often at seemingly inconvenient times. It’s that small nudge to pick up the phone and make a random call to someone when you’re not quite why or perhaps to take a call when you’d really rather not. It’s that compelling feeling to accept an unexpected invitation to attend or participate in something when you’d really rather stay put. It’s often that insensible feeling to just go for it and do something for yourself that you’ve never done before, despite the growing number of priorities already competing for your time, talents, and financial resources.

I see small promptings as God’s way of inviting us to something greater. We often measure our ability to accomplish a thing in proportion to the seen resources and capabilities at our disposal. At first glance, what we have often seems inadequate and that inadequacy can stop us in our tracks before we even get started. But I know firsthand that God can do a lot with our little.  Sure, we can use the gifts and talents that He’s given us to do a thing. But when we instead offer those gifts and talents back to Him, He elevates and amplifies them to places beyond our scope of reach.

It reminds me of the story of the two fish and five loaves. Remember that? Two fish and five loaves were clearly inadequate to make a sizeable impact, but when it was offered to Jesus, He used what little they had to impact many! He took what they had and blew it up beyond anyone’s capability of expectation and used their tiny inadequate offering to feed and serve thousands. The same is true here. If you are willing to take imperfect action and act on your small promptings with faith and deliberate intention, you will unlock the magic that allows you to be impactful beyond your wildest dreams.

I used to describe myself as “just a girl who said yes (to those small promptings)” to explain my success. This is still true today. Build the capacity to stretch yourself and respond to the nudge even when you aren’t feeling ready. Trust that what God is able to do is exceedingly and abundantly beyond your greatest vision for yourself. Understand that your response to those nudges will have a tremendous impact on others, those that you can and see and many that you cannot, however you choose to respond.

How will you respond to those small promptings in your heart? What action will you take to position yourself for the outcomes you desire? Your best life is on the other side of those promptings, simply waiting for you to take the first step. Here are a few tips to consider to help you bring clarity to the shifts you need to make to go from good to great:

  • Begin to pay attention to those small promptings. What are the patterns? What are the messages affirming those promptings?

  • Take inventory of your hesitancies. What’s stopping you from taking action?

  • Instead of asking “what if” as you imagine all of the negative possibilities, shift your mindset to claim, “even if”, as you exercise your faith knowing that God will address every single “what if” you can imagine.

  • Say yes to the promptings and get ready to step into your purpose of LIVING and living well.

If you are ready to find clarity and make the mindset transformations necessary to go from good to great and live a life of passion and purpose on your own terms, visit www.jihadagarrett.com and schedule your complimentary coaching consultation here.

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“Small promptings are often invitations to miraculous beginnings.”

Now is the Time to Bet on You!

Jihada Garrett

Transparent Moment: So, you guys know that I recently launched my coaching and consulting firm and you guys, God has been so crazy faithful. 2020 was a challenge, obviously. For me, it meant adjusting to being a new mom of three, learning how to balance virtual school, homeschool and baby life all while trying to work, maintain my household, and stay happily married. Not to mention, I had to work overtime at maintaining and elevating the joy and mental health of my family (you guys saw the pictures). Not different from a lot of you I know, but it was crazy!

While I was doing all that, I realized that while on paper everything looked stellar, I was not feeling it, like at all. I love and adore my family and I have been so incredibly blessed, but I quickly came to understand how unhappy I was. My time was not my own and my calling was being pushed to the wayside while I helped someone else live out their dream. It was a no-go. Things had to change. So, I started doing the work. I reinvested in honing my craft, hired my own life coach (I don’t know why people think they don’t need coaches, me included; incredible investment; trust me!) and decided to press go.

Here’s the thing. I DID NOT, I repeat, I DID NOT have it all figured out. But I knew I refused to continue doing anything that constantly borrowed from my joy, my peace and my ability to align with my highest vision for myself. I knew that I was designed for something greater. I knew that my gifts would add value to the lives of others, and I knew I was connected to the Vine (John 15; check it out). That’s a winning recipe in my book. So, with that, I terminated my agreement with the firm I’d been working with for the past five years and simply opted for faith over fear. When I tell you that God has met me every step of the way, it’s unbelievable. He has scheduled divine appointment after appointment and we are over here transforming lives including my own, all before I could even get a new website and branding together (it’s coming)!

Listen, I don’t know who this is for but hear me when I say, PLEASE DON’T SETTLE. You were designed for greater. There is something about honoring the still small voice on the inside and walking in alignment with your purpose that affords you a level of freedom, joy, and peace that is unparalleled. Take the time to do the work and discover what that it is for you. Once you know, go for it and don’t look back. Now is the time to BET ON YOU! Take the leap and trust God to meet you in the air. If He did it for me, He can do it for you. And if you need someone to partner with you on the journey, to hold you accountable, encourage and push you, I’m happy to serve. Just click here to connect.

It was once said that belief precedes faith and I couldn’t agree more. I’ll add that faith precedes every desire for something good. You’ve got to believe it before you see it and know that your opportunity to live your best life is in direct proportion to the amount of faith you’re willing to release.

Thank you to each of you who took the time to read this and thank you for the tremendous amount of love and support you’ve shown over the last several weeks and always. I’m so excited about this journey and for every encounter God designs for me. Here’s to doing the work and truly living the lives of our dreams! If you haven’t already, please visit the site and subscribe and if any of what I said resonates with you, schedule a call while you’re there. Later.


“Bet on you and trust God to meet you in the air!”

Ain't No Feeling Like Being Free

Jihada Garrett

In the spirit of Juneteenth, I am focusing on freedom and I cannot think of a better word to describe this season. Freedom, dare I say, is arguably the most valuable commodity in the world, next to perhaps water and air and after a year like what we’ve had, everybody is dying for more of it!

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A Case of the Mondays

Jihada Garrett

Several years ago, I made a decision that I would never lead a life where I was living for the weekend. My joy and peace would not be inextricably linked to Fridays. I decided that the life I would design for myself would be one where I embraced Mondays and everyday thereafter, knowing that each day was full of promise and new opportunities. I’m fortunate to say that for the most part, I’ve made good on these declarations. I pretty much live life on terms that serve me and allow me to bring my best self to the table for the season of life that I occupy. That said, let me tell you about this past Monday.

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