New Podcast Alert: Choosing Ease and Abundance While Running a Full-time Coaching Business
Jihada Garrett
I recently sat down with Dani Watson of The Clique Podcast and discussed my coaching journey, my philosophy and practice of abundance and ease as a lifestyle, and what's happening next for Hello, Me!
When I started my full-time entrepreneurship journey in 2021, I was as sure as sure could be. I didn't have all of the answers (and definitely still don't), nor did I have an iron-clad plan with investors, projections, and all of the other stuff we tell ourselves we need, but I had two super critical components to success: a made up mind and super crazy faith. I knew that I was committed to a life on my own terms that included freedom, abundance and value and I wanted those things for other people too.
I also knew I had a really big God on my side who is invested in my success, which meant that I'd already won. I believed that He'd supply my needs according to ALL his riches and glory and that if this lifestyle was available to anyone, it was certainly accessible to me. I'm an heir to the throne after all! I rejected the idea that this would be hard from the very beginning and eliminated all things hustle. That's just not my bag. I was going to do this thing with ease and authenticity. So here we are nearly two years later, still taking inspired action, attending divine appointments, and enjoying the journey along the way. Let’s be clear. This doesn't mean that I don't face challenges or that I don't have to put in work, but I am able to do these things in ways that align with my values and feel good to me and most of all, I don’t have to hustle! I love this for me and I want it for you too!
Far too often we let our fears of what could be get in the way of …what could be! We give our focus to every possible reason not to move forward with the desire that God has placed in our hearts failing to recognize that if He’s given you the green light, the journey is fail-proof. I encourage you to examine the secret or quiet desires of your heart for something more, something greater in value, something more aligned, and embrace it wholeheartedly. This may or may not be related to your career or journey to entrepreneurship. It may be that you desire to relate to your partner or children with more compassion and understanding. Perhaps you want to feel differently when you cross the threshold of your home, bolder, more vibrant, kind. Maybe you just want a new home, in a new place and a whole new reality. Whatever speaks to you, know that the desire is good, it is worthy, and it can come to pass, if you let it.
In the podcast I mentioned, I talk a bit about ease and abundance as a lifestyle. As more women begin to pursue “soft living” which I am all about, I want to encourage you to do a few things:
Break up with the hustle mentality of life; nothing in nature hustles;
Be the very thing that you desire to have or create; it's much easier to attract what you want when you share the same frequency as what you're looking for;
Create a lifestyle that aligns with your values while simultaneously adding value to others.; and
Include God every step of the way!
My quest as a coach is simply to ensure that you love who you are, what you do and how you do it. If you’d like to be supported as you embrace abundance and ease as a lifestyle of your own, click here.
Also, I’ve got some pretty cool opportunities to work with me in the pipeline. Be sure to join the mailing list so you are among the first to know!
“I just believe that there is plenty of money circulating in the earth and if anybody has I can also have it. It’s not my responsibility to look for it. It’s the money’s job to find me…and it does.”
Listen to the full podcast here.